Monday, December 11, 2006

127. பிரேயின் தீசர் 25 (Brain Teaser 25)

The Title is in Tamil. but the contents remains in English for you all. ;-)

I feel Previous Teaser was one of the interesting teaser I ever post. Isn't it?

Let's see the answer first:

The old one was : Out of date
The new one is: Different

He said: My password is "Out of date."
And the boss told him the new one when he said: "The password is different."

Wow. So many of you can guess it right as usual. ;-)
Those who answered correctly both answers will get 2 points. ^_^ (bonus point..hehe)
1- Johnson D.S
2- Mr. Bond
3- FruttiTooty
4- C.M. Haniff
5- G3
6- Priya

Since G3 only answered one, she will get only one point. Am I fair?

Ok. Today's teaser sounds like this:

A man is sleeping one night when he has a dream. In his dream his boss is driving in his car when he has a fatal accident, killing him. The man wakes up and, sensing that this is indeed a premonition of the near future, calls his boss to inform him of what horrible things that he saw in his dream.

So the boss, instead of taking his car to the work place, takes a taxi, and when he gets there, promptly fires the man. Why?


Anonymous said...

The man is doing a night duty for the boss's company and he slept, so he deserves to be fired :)


Anonymous said...

The man slept instead of doing his night duty.


Yes. That's the right answer Anonymous. ;-)


that person is a night watchman!!


ஏனெனில் அவன் இரவு காவல்காரன். வேலையில் தூங்கியதால் டிஸ்மிஸ்.

என்னுடைய இப்பதிவுக்கு வந்து முயற்சி செய்யவும். பார்க்க:

டோண்டு ராகவன்


the nature of work which he did must have such that he should not be sleeping at work.


Sentilkumaran, Dundu, Santhanamullai:

Yes, It's the right answer. Congratulations..:-)

Anonymous said...

If the boss fires the man, then he no longer is the boss. In the man's dream, his boss dies. So, the boss doesn't want to be the boss who dies in the accident.

Johnson D.S.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that Saturday & Sunday were holidays for Blogging too.

Johnson D.S.


//Anonymous said...
If the boss fires the man, then he no longer is the boss. In the man's dream, his boss dies. So, the boss doesn't want to be the boss who dies in the accident.

Johnson D.S. //

Johnson, It's not really the right answer. Have a try again. ;-)


//Anonymous said...
I didn't know that Saturday & Sunday were holidays for Blogging too.

Johnson D.S.

To be systematic, I gave 2 days holidays for brain teaser post. Some weekend I will not be in town.

If I'm in town, I will only message other post. But Teaser only on Weekdays. Thanks for visiting my blog for teaser even on weekends, Johnson.. ;-)


The boss fires the night security / watchman who is not supposed to sleep during his working hours.

Anonymous said...

The man was a security guard on the night shift and his boss fired him for sleeping on the job.


Anonymous said...

Is that because the guy who was dreaming, was a night-security-guard (aka) night-watchman?