Wednesday, December 06, 2006

120. Brain Teaser 22

Yesterday's answer was HEROINE

The first two letters are a man. --> HE
The first three letters are a woman. --> HER
The first four letters are a great man. --> HERO
The whole word is a great woman. --> HEROINE

Congratulations to G3, Johnson D.S., FruttiTooty & C.M. Haniff

Ok. Then, What is today's Teaser?

There was a man who went to the mall and he bought 3 pairs of red socks and 3 pairs of white socks. Another man who already bought 3 pairs of red socks and 3 pairs of white socks came back to return his 3 pairs of red socks and 3 pairs of white socks.

They are both blind. As they were walking they bumped into each other. All the socks scattered around the floor, but each pair remained held together by a rubber band. Nobody helped them pick it up except each other, but in 3 minutes they both put them back altogether.

Each man ended up with the same colors of socks he started with: six red and six white. How is that possible if they are blind?


Anonymous said...

There are 3 pairs of Red and white socks with each of the blind men. The only way they can end up with the same color is by doing the following:

Since each pair is held together by a rubber band, they will undo the rubber band and split the pair between the two. So eventually the total number of colors will be equal even though the current pairing may not match.

The aim is to have six red and six white socks and not paired colored socks.

Johnson D.S.


Right answer Johnson. :)

Anonymous said...

Each man took all the socks and pulled them apart. As they pulled them apart they gave each other 1 sock and they kept doing that until they had all their socks


Hehe.. to be frank I knew this teaser already ;)

They just share 1 socks from all the pairs which ends up with 3 red and 3 white pairs :)


Mr.Bond & G3 also answered rightly. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Each man took all the socks and pulled them apart. As they pulled them apart they gave each other 1 sock and they kept doing that until they had all their socks.