Tuesday, December 05, 2006

118. Brain Teaser 21

Brain Teaser chain-post reached 20 yesterday. Today is twenty-first!!!!!

Until now, there is 7 participants who took part. but the competetion between Johnson D.S. and C.M. Haniff is strongest. Just one point different.

Let's check out the point:
5- Nagai Siva, FruttiTooty, Blinkin_pree --> 1 point
4- Wonderboy --> 3 points
3- Mr. Bond --> 8 points
2- C.M. Haniff --> 13 points
1- Johnson D.S. --> 14 points

Let's Get More points:

Today's Teaser (An ENglish period today!!! Hahahaha!!!!) :
Can you find a seven letter word such that:

The first two letters are a man.
The first three letters are a woman.
The first four letters are a great man.
The whole word is a great woman.



My friend,

ellorukkum point ellaam pOttu pattaiya kilappureenga pOla..

Namakku ithula romba interest kidaiyaathu.. irunthaalum inel pottikku naanum varren


// மு.கார்த்திகேயன் said...
My friend,

ellorukkum point ellaam pOttu pattaiya kilappureenga pOla..

Namakku ithula romba interest kidaiyaathu.. irunthaalum inel pottikku naanum varren //

pattaiya kilappurathu naannu sollurathaivida, intha kelvikalukku correct-aa pathil podure namma nanbarkalE kaaranam..

enakku patahvi, panam mele aasai illainnu solurathai pole, points-leyum aasai illainnu sollureengala?? sari, ini pottile, unggeleyum include pannidalaam


Aaha.. idhula pointslaan vera irukka.. idho naanum varen..

Indha brain teaserkku answer heroine. Correcta?


aahhaa.. G3 vanthaangga.. points paarthaangga.. teaserai paartaanggaa.. correct-aa answer panniddaangga..

vazhtukkall., another warm welcome message to G3.. and congratulations on your first correct answer. ;-)

Hmm.. where is Johnson D.S, C.M. Haniff, & Mr. Bond who always try to answer first????

Anonymous said...

guessing the answer might be "heroine"


Yes. You are right FruttiTooty. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Man, this one really made me think hard and also busy been working late.
man - HE
woman - HER
great man -HERO
great woman - HEROINE

Johnson D.S.


Yes, You are right Johnson. Hard ah? I thought you will be the first again to answer this. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Like I said, I'd been working too late, so couldn't take a peek at the teaser earlier. If not ...

Johnson D.S.


oh ok. understand now. ;-) thanks for visiting here eventhough you are busy. :-)

Anonymous said...

Heroine is the answer my friend ;)


C.M. Haniff also answered correctly... :-)